Petrify in a sentence
Petrify in a sentence


Previously you would cast Petrify and quickly spin 360 degrees to apply the initial stun to everyone which gives you the 6 seconds needed to go back and acutely Petrify everyone around you. Say you're surrounded and you need to revive your teammate, Bulwark is covering the objective, Rumblers are off elsewhere and Landslide will take too long and your teammate will die before you can kill everyone, your only option is to Petrify everyone. Sure, now enemies are instantly petrified in front of you, but if you have a power strength build (which you should) it took 1 second to Petrify all of the enemies and you had the flexibility to quickly apply the initial stun in order to give you a safe moment to begin Petrifying.

petrify in a sentence

DE multiplied the energy consumption by FIVE on a Warframe that had an issue with energy consumption in the first place and made it less flexible and that's not to mention if you need to petrify a 360 degree area around you. GradeSaver, Web.Why was the massive change to Petrify necessary? Changing it to single cast, ruined the ability from the Dev Workshop version (please find out what this is before replying). One of the most unique abilities in the game (spectral scream being the closest relative) with very flexible usage that you could scale the energy consumption as needed.


Next Section "Petrified Man" Summary and Analysis Previous Section Themes Buy Study Guide How To Cite in MLA Format Osborne-Bartucca, Kristen. However, the fact that they are stuck in their beauty parlor in a small town, complaining about and envying others, reveals that they are small-minded. They pretend they know it all, and think they have the right to judge others because they are better than them. The sarcastic exit statement of the three-year-old boy reveals the shallowness and uselessness of the women's gossip. "If you're so smart, why ain't you rich?" Billy She is part of a patriarchal society in which women are wives and mothers and have a certain place that they should not step out of, but she also knows that within this system women do have power that can be manifested as ordering their husbands around, denigrating them in front of others, and controlling the sexual politics of the relationship. On the one hand, she wants women to stand up for themselves and takes pride in controlling her husband, but on the other hand, she also wants the men to reprimand their wives.

petrify in a sentence

Fletcher's contradictory views on the relationship between husband and wife. "Her husband ought to could make her behave. Fletcher takes pride in this power over her husband, and seems to care more about what the women in the town think than what he thinks. In a broader sense, the "bending over" may also mean that in general she makes him do things he does not want to do.

petrify in a sentence

This emphasizes that the husband is regarded as a lazy man who needs to be dominated by his wife in order to achieve something. Fletcher indicates that her husband would be equally passive and immobile if she did not make him move. Fletcher about the petrified man, who cannot move, Mrs. Fletcher takes bending exercises every night of the world. She does not like being talked about, especially in regards to her pregnancy her vanity means that talk abut her hair falling out, her growing stomach, and the reality that her husband impregnated her when she clearly does not want children are loathsome to her.


Fletcher is in fact full of strong opinions and expostulations, and has a strong sense of self (though rooted in pride, envy, and schadenfreude). However, the three-year-old Billy Boy is quick to expose her words as empty threats because she does not answer his straightforward and legitimate question. Fletcher learns that someone spread the word that she is pregnant, she is furious and threatens to punish the guilty person for her loose tongue. "Why? What're you gonna do to her?" Billy BoyĪfter Mrs. Fletcher using "honey" as a term of endearment. And she wants to have a close relationship with her customers, as she addresses Mrs.

petrify in a sentence

She must use a lot of powder, which spread all over the contents of her purse. She does not seem to be very eloquent because she makes syntax and grammar mistakes. She is from the South, as she has a thick accent. The first sentence of the short story reveals much about one of the main characters, Leota. "Reach in my purse and git me a cigarette without no powder in it if you kin, Mrs.

Petrify in a sentence